Post-Operative Instructions - In Office Whitening Treatment

Please adhere to the following instructions improve the overall results of your whitening and avoid any unnecessary discomfort or inconvenience:

FOR THE FIRST 48 HOURS FOLLOWING WHITENING, IT IS IMPORTANT TO AVOID ANY FOOD, DRINK, OR MOUTH PRODUCT THAT COULD CAUSE STAINING. A good rule of thumb is if it can severely stain a white T-shirt, it should be avoided. Some common foods/drinks/products to avoid include:

Red Wine
Dark juices
Red or dark sauces
Colored Toothpaste
Colored lipstick

- TOOTH SENSITIVITY IS NORMAL AND SHOULD SUBSIDE. Some patients can experience mild to severe tooth sensitivity or pain after the whitening session. This is completely normal and usually mild, but can be severe in susceptible individuals. Patients with existing sensitivity, recession, exposed dentin/root surfaces, abfractions (micro-cracks) and/or other dental conditions are more susceptible to discomfort after teeth whitening. If needed, to reduce pain or soreness, Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) up to 800mg every 6 hours can be taken unless you are allergic or have otherwise been instructed not to take it. Additionally, using a sensitivity toothpaste containing potassium nitrate such as Sensodyne can help to alleviate tooth sensitivity.

- IF PARTS OF YOUR GUM TISSUE APPEAR WHITE, DO NOT BE ALARMED. In-office whitening material is stronger than over the counter whitening and it can sometimes seep onto the gum tissue and cause it to turn white. This is only temporary and will return back to normal over the next couple days. Placing vitamin E oil on the gum tissue can help expedite this process.

- TAKE MEDICATION as instructed by the doctor. If you are experiencing pain, Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) or Acetaminophen (Tylenol) up to 800mg every 6 hours can be taken unless you are allergic or have otherwise been instructed not to take it.

- FOR LONG LASTING RESULTS- For best results, maintain regular dental hygiene appointments to maintain good oral health, feel free to use at-home whitening trays for touch up treatment between routine dental appointments and avoid food or drinks that can cause staining. Don’t forget to brush and floss regularly!

Please call our office if:
- Your sensitivity is not controlled with over the counter pain relievers like Tylenol or Advil.
- If you have an allergic reaction to the materials used in whitening.