Post-Operative Instructions - Extraction(s)

Please adhere to the following instructions to expedite your healing process and avoid any unnecessary discomfort:

- IF POSSIBLE, DO NOT EAT UNTIL THE ANESTHETIC HAS WORN OFF to avoid accidentally biting lips, cheek or tongue.

- APPLY BITING PRESSURE for 30 minutes to 1 hour to gauze to help stop bleeding and allow a blood clot to form. Mild bleeding/oozing following an extraction is normal for up to 24 hours.

- PLACE AN ICE PACK on the side of your face where the tooth/teeth were removed. Repeat every 30 minutes for the first 24 hours as needed to reduce swelling.

- DO NOT SMOKE OR USE TOBACCO for 72 hours following procedure. Smoking significantly increases the risk of dry socket, which can be very painful.

- DO NOT SPIT, SUCK THROUGH A STRAW or SUCK ON CANDIES OR LOZENGES. Doing so could dislodge the clot and increase your risk of infection or dry socket.

- TAKE MEDICATION as instructed by the doctor. To reduce pain, Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) up to 800mg every 6 hours can be taken unless you are allergic or have otherwise been instructed not to take it.

- BE CAREFUL WHILE BRUSHING. Do not brush at or near the extraction site for the first 24 hours. When rinsing out toothpaste, do not swish water vigorously or spit. Simply tilt head from side to side to allow water to flow from one side of the mouth to the other and then lean over the sink and allow the water to fall out of your mouth. ยท REST. Limit your activity for the first 24 hours and elevate your head when lying down.

- IF POSSIBLE, DO NOT EAT UNTIL ANESTHETIC HAS WORN OFF AND BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU EAT. For the first 24 hours, do not drink anything hot, carbonated or alcoholic and do not eat anything spicy or hot. Soft foods are best during this time and if possible, chew on the opposite side. After the first 24 hours, you may eat whatever is comfortable for you unless otherwise instructed by the doctor.

- AFTER THE FIRST 24 HOURS, YOU CAN RINSE WITH WARM SALT WATER especially after meals to help reduce swelling even further and prevent food particles from contaminating the site. Use 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 cup of water and gently rinse.

Please call our office if:
- If persistent bleeding occurs such that your mouth is filling up with blood and you are unable to stop it by biting on gauze
- If your pain or swelling continues beyond 2-3 days.
- If you have an allergic reaction to any medication you have taken.
- If you detect a bad taste or odor in the mouth