teeth whitening

Types of Professional Teeth Whitening Options in Northville MI

People can tell a lot from the shade of your teeth, including your age, state of oral health, and even your good and bad habits. And since everyone wants to look young and well groomed, teeth whitening has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in dentistry. Advancements in teeth cleaning technologies have made …

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tooth infection treatment

Tooth Abscess Treatment Near Me, Northville MI

An abscessed or infected tooth is a dental problem caused by bacteria penetrating through your tooth enamel and dentin to reach the pulp (pulpitis), such that pus begins to collect within. It can also occur when bacteria gets trapped in deep gum pockets. This results in a number of unpleasant symptoms, including: Types of tooth …

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dental cleaning

Dental Exam & Cleaning Near Me, Northville MI

Why should you schedule your exam and cleaning today? Both the bi-annual exams and cleanings are expected for optimal oral health. Maintaining a strong base for oral health is important to prevent disease or decay. Keeping up with these appointments is vital in obtaining exceptional oral health.  A dental exam is a routine procedure. It …

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dental crowns

Dental Crowns for Tooth Replacement & Cosmetic Purposes in Northville MI

A dental crown is a customized tooth cap designed to cover a damaged tooth in order to restore its shape and size, enhance its strength, and improve its appearance. When successfully cemented in place, a dental crown encases the portion of the tooth above the gum line, providing total protection.  Dental Crowns for Tooth Repair  …

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dental cleaning

Teeth Cleaning & Dental Exams in Northville MI

Dental cleaning is a simple, painless, and non-invasive preventive dental procedure that seeks to reduce the risk of dental issues such as cavities, gum disease, and bad breath by removing built-up plaque and tartar. Patients often experience some mild vibrations, cooling mist of liquid, and a bit of pressure during scraping, though this doesn’t cause …

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teeth whitening

Common Questions: Teeth Whitening Treatment Near Me, Northville MI

If you want to get your teeth whitened, it’s important that you research the right dentist and dental practice. The procedure is safe and effective when done by an experienced dentist during the first visit and supervised by a dentist for subsequent treatments. Yet, before you get your tooth whitening procedure done, it is important …

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teeth whitening

What to Expect with Teeth Whitening in Northville MI

Your smile is your most distinct feature when interacting with people. But over time with aging, the use of tobacco products, drinking colored beverages like wine and coffee, using some spices, taking antibiotics like tetracycline, consuming excess fluoride in water, and other factors can cause your teeth to discolor or darken, affecting the appearance of …

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dental crowns

Dental Crowns Near Me, Northville MI

Crowns are one of the most popular restorative and cosmetic treatments in dentistry. They provide a strong and durable cap that holds together a tooth that has been severely damaged and weakened by trauma or decay, helping to save a tooth that may otherwise have been extracted.  Other benefits of tooth crowns include: 1. Prevent …

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cosmetic dentistry

What to Expect with Cosmetic Dentistry in Northville MI

Your smile forms a central part of your image, which affects your professional and personal relationships. Fortunately, there are numerous cosmetic dental procedures that you can use to improve your smile. Even a subtle change to your smile can make a huge difference in the way you look, the way you feel about yourself, and …

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tooth infection treatment

Tooth Abscess Pain Relief & Dental Treatment in Northville MI

Infected teeth are caused by bacteria penetrating through your tooth enamel and dentin into the pulp space to cause an abscess (pulpitis), such that pus begins to collect within. It can also occur when bacteria gets trapped in deep gum pockets. This results in a number of unpleasant symptoms, including: Types of tooth abscesses If …

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